

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Courage...take a dose full with a meal every day!!!!!!!

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." -Anais Nin (1903-1977)

This quote was given to me via Peter Bergman.  As a production assistant on the show "The Young and The Restless," I was constantly delivering scripts to various actors.  Every time I went into Peter's room I would read the inspirational quotes he has on his wall.  Well this quote happened to be one of them and I have since decided to live my life as best as possible in accordance to it.

One day in class, an Executive Producer came to speak.  This particular Executive Producer has worked with Oprah, Mark Burnett, Tyra, and has recently began overseeing a new production.  My internship was ending and I had since sacrificed most of my savings and reduced my hours to part time at my job in order to put my best foot forward during my internship.  When the class was almost over and my teacher asked if there were any more questions, I raised my hand.  Although I was nervous, I proceeded to let the executive producer know that my internship was ending and I would love the opportunity to give her my resume in hopes of getting an interview.  The Producer stopped for a moment and laughed to herself.  She thought I had guts to ask in front of the whole class.  It's like they say, "you always miss 100% of the shots you don't take" Right!  Well guess what?  I got an interview to be a production assistant to the under an Associate Producer and Senior Producer.  Now if you know me, you know that becoming an Executive Producer is one of my missions in life.  As a production assistant working so closely with these producers, I would be groomed and developed to also become a Producer.  It was one of the best moves I have made in my college career and all it took was a little bit of courage.

This particular Executive Producer was the last guest speaker of the semester and not once had any one of my classmates ever asked ANY guest speaker for an interview or to even give them their resume.  Of course when I did there were many hisses and dirty looks but who cares!  My life will expand because of my courage to be better!  I may or may not get this job but I have what it takes to make things happen in my life.  I hope that everyone reading this will also take more chances in getting what they want out of life.  I implore you to take a dose full of courage everyday!

The waiting game: Production doesn't start up until the end of July so I have quite a while to wait for an official answer but I am trusting God for favor.  AMEN!

Ooops I totally forgot to update this!  The Producer got me a job! I started in July...Sorry about that LOL

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